What Bipolar Disorder Really Feels like

This article from the Huffington Post and by Sarah Klein is fantastic!!

I encourage all of you to take time and read it completely.  The cartoons and commentaries make me feel connected to the world and realize that we are more out there and we had the same feelings.

What is a Mood Disorder?

it is two forces in one.

check the article on this link:  What Bipolar Disorder Really feels like

From Kay Redfield Jamison


“Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.”

“Madness carves its own reality.”

“I wish I could explain it so someone could understand it. I’m afraid it’s something I can’t put into words. There’s just this heavy, overwhelming despair – dreading everything. Dreading life. Empty inside, to the point of numbness. It’s like there’s something already dead inside. My whole being has been pulling back into that void for months.”

I strongly recommend this fantastic book from Dr. Jamison.  This book open my mind and make me feel that I’m not alone!!

I am my temple


Hoy me dijo mi COACH

No es el hecho en sí… es el hecho en mí. 

Estoy aprendiendo a estar mejor conmigo

a disfrutar de mi propia intimidad

y a no asustarme de mis momentos de soledad.

Gracias  Coach y Shrink – por esos espejos que me ayudan a construir

con esos nuevos espejos ya empiezo a verme mejor…